Give your child the best start in life - every school day counts
Holidays in Term Time
Did you Know?
Holidays that are taken during term time will not be authorised by the Headteacher. Any absence for a holiday which does not meet the Regulations or Discretionary Criteria will be marked as an unauthorised absence.
If your child has absences marked as unauthorised, you may be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) for this period. It should be noted that BOTH parents would be at risk of a Fixed Penalty Notice for each child within the family who has a period of unauthorised absence from school. On receipt of a FPN, a parent will be required to pay the sum of £80 per parent, per child.
This should be paid within 28 days. The Penalty will increase to £160, if paid after 28 but within 42 days. Non payment of the Penalty will lead to prosecution under Section 444A Education Act 1996. The school does not benefit from this fine. It goes to the Local Authority.
Attendance Information
Is Your Child To Ill For School? (Common Illness and Incubation Period)
Click here for Common Illness and Incubation Period Details
Working together to improve school attendance
Guide for Parents on School Attendance