At St Mary’s Primary Catholic Academy, we are all Scientists!
We want to develop the natural sense of wonder that comes with primary school age children. Throughout our curriculum, we allow the children opportunity to explore the worlds of Biology, Physics and Chemistry with knowledge that is relevant and engaging to them. As one of our core primary subjects, science is given the prominence in each class’s timetable that it deserves.
We recognise that we are developing the next environmentalists, astronauts, engineers and microbiologists of the world. We take on the responsibly of being the children’s first real interaction with the scientific world and with that we allow the children ample opportunity to explore, investigate and enquire. Our aim is to develop a love of science and to give the children a ‘toolbox’ for their scientific life. We believe science encompasses the acquisition of knowledge, concepts, skills and positive attitudes. Our virtues and attitudes are reflected in our teaching and the science curriculum we deliver is one that evokes care, consideration and respect for all things on God’s planet.
Our Long Term Plan
Our Science Progression Maps
Unit Plan Example